

Welcome to the World Conference on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, a conference being held from October 4-7, 2007, at the University of California, Los Angeles (“UCLA”) campus to honor the bravery and struggle of the survivors. The World Conference is the first global gathering of scholars, non-governmental organizations, human rights activists, attorneys, artists, and most importantly, survivors, to coalesce around a unified plan of action for obtaining the recognition and justice due to aging survivors of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery brutally imposed during World War II (euphemistically known as “comfort women”). Japan’s “comfort women” system was the largest sexual trafficking of women known to modern history, for which Japan has steadfastly refused to apologize, despite pressure from the United States and abroad.

 今回の一番の目的は、日本でこの問題に関わっている人に会うこと。ていうか会えたらいいなぁ。日本からの賛同団体もいくつかリストアップされているけど、実際に来るのかどうかは分からない。もし参加を予定している人がここを読んでいたら macska at macska dot org までメールください。