「両親がセックスやめないと自殺する」相談へのPsychology Todayの回答

 先日紹介した Psychology Today の読者相談コーナーへの投書が2ちゃんねる等で紹介されてすごい反響。これまでずっとブログをやってきてあの記事が一番反響があったというのはどうかと思うのだけど、せっかくなので Psychology Today 誌のアドバイスコラムニスト Hara Estroff Marano 氏の回答も紹介しておく。面倒なので英語のまま…誰か勝手に訳してね。

I sought the expertise of Joshua Coleman, a developmental psychologist and family therapist in San Francisco. "Wow," he responded, "that is a highly unusual reaction for a teen." And we will assume that your husband is the girl's father--her actions have other meanings if he is not. "Clearly this teen is having conflicted feelings about her own budding sexual impulses," says Coleman. "If it isn't okay to have sex during marriage, when can you have it? On the other hand, if the books were very explicit, that may have been frightening to the teen. In addition, she may be using this 'discovery' as a vehicle to express her contempt, primarily at Mom, for a host of other reasons that she hasn't been able to verbalize or understand." Why, Coleman asks, would you give up your sex life because of your teen's ideas about sex? "While you're understandably worried about her suicide threat, you are giving her an authority over private lives that isn't good for anyone. The rigidity and immaturity of her ideas about sex, and marital sex in particular, point to a larger problem in her cognitive and emotional life. This also suggests that there's a greater underlying problem with this teen. The fact that she has to threaten suicide also points to a crisis in her life." It's good your daughter is in individual therapy, but family therapy or ongoing parenting consultations will help you learn how to set limits and be supportive at the same time. "You should resume your sex life and refuse to discuss it with your daughter when she asks," Coleman counsels. "Better hide whatever books you have about sex. Also, assume your daughter's actions represent a larger complaint about one or both parents. Ask her if there are other things that have been troubling her about the family."
ソース: "Unconventional Wisdom." Psychology Today; September-October 2007

