
ミネソタ州セントポールの新聞 St. Paul Pioneer Press に12月27日付けでミーガン法に関連した記事が掲載される。ミネソタでは性犯罪で有罪になった人を再犯の危険度によって3段階に分類し、一番危険だとされた「レベル3」の人だけ顔写真や住所などの個人情報をウェブサイトで公開することにしているけれど、なまじ人数が少ない(州内の性犯罪者全体の1%にも満たない)だけにレベル3の加害者が近所に引っ越して来たときのパニックが深刻なことが報じられている。もっと多くの性犯罪者の情報を公開している州では、どこを見てもたくさんの加害者がいることが分かるので排除のしようがないし個別に注意することもできない分まだ健全かもしれない。)以下は記事から引用。

 After learning that a convicted sex offender had moved in down the block, Miranda Hatfield no longer lets her 6-year-old daughter play alone in the yard. Motion-activated lights will soon watch over her back door.
 "I don't like taking my trash out at night," said Hatfield, 25, of St. Paul. "I know I sound paranoid, but better to be paranoid than a victim."
 When a high-risk sex offender moved in near Apple Valley High School last winter, Ronald Lidbeck made his three college-age daughters buy cellular phones. Concern in the community was heightened recently when the offender failed to report his whereabouts to police for months.
 And in Rochester, a woman who had never met the convicted offender living nearby bought a gun just in case, to protect her 9-year-old child.


While public interest in the database has skyrocketed, even some children's advocates worry it has stirred up too much fear and not enough common-sense measures to keep kids safe.
 "We don't feel that it's the best line of defense," said Michelle Longe, program manager with the Jacob Wetterling Foundation, which helps track missing and sexually exploited children.
 In 87 percent to 94 percent of cases, children are abducted or sexually exploited by someone familiar to them, such as a parent or family friend, according to the St. Paul-based Wetterling Foundation.
 "At least in terms of child sexual abuse, it's usually with someone the person knows," said Hollida Wakefield, a forensic psychologist in Northfield. "The stranger who abducts the child and rapes the child is in the minority. Of course, that's the one that gets all the publicity."

 犯罪心理学者 Hollinda Wakefield 氏はこう言っている。「子どもの性的虐待に限って言えば、子どもと親しい人が起こしていることが普通です。見知らぬ人が子どもを誘拐してレイプするなんてことは少数でしかありません。しかし、そういった事件ばかりがメディアでは大々的に報道されています。

 Since June 2001, Minnesota real estate agents and sellers have been required to provide homebuyers with written information on how to look up Level 3 offenders in their community. The wording is included in agency disclosure forms, purchase agreements and other documents.
 "I do think it affects sales. I've had clients who have been scared away from particular houses or neighborhoods," said Faith McGown, a Minneapolis real estate agent who specializes in single-family homes in the Twin Cities.


 In Lubbock, Texas, a planned subdivision claims to be the first "sex-offender free" community in the country. Homebuyers agree in writing to face liens of $1,000 a day if they are convicted of a sex offense while living in the 665-unit Milwaukee Ridge development.
 "We're doing background checks on everybody," said Clayton Isom, the 23-year-old owner of I&S Investments, the real estate firm gearing the development toward young families. "We have it all formulated on the deed restriction."

 犯罪心理学者の Wakefield 氏はこうも言っている。

 "If I were a parent, and I had little kids, and a sex offender moved in next door, I would want to be forewarned," said Wakefield, the forensic psychologist. "We all would. But at the same time, we as a society need to find ways to reintegrate people who have served their time into society."

 「もしわたしが幼い子どもの親で、性犯罪者が近所に住んでいるとしたら、その事について告知して欲しいと思うでしょう。わたしたちみんなそう思うはずです。でも同時に、わたしたちの社会は刑期を終えて刑務所を出てきた人たちを社会復帰させることを必要としているんです。」 全くその通りで、ミーガン法的なものを求める心情は理解できるけれども、そうした要求は出所者の社会復帰と両立する形で政策として実現されなければならない。